r 产品介绍: r
rr 1.午休椅适合室内办公及户外休闲使用; r
rr 2.高强度空心钢结构,轻便携带; r
rr 3.牛津布,环保耐用; r
rr 4.置物袋; r
rr 5.人体工程学设计,更加完美,舒适健康。 r
rr MEJEE品牌诠释: r
rr More 更多 r
rr Enjoy 享受 r
rr Join 参与 r
rr Eager 热情 r
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r 品牌口号:走进美迹 走进户外Join Mejee Join Outdoor r
rr 这是一条自由之线 r
rr 不在乎起点与终点 r
rr 只为了随着梦想轻舞 飞翔
r 可以是山 可以是水
r 可以是蜿蜒小路 亦或是两颗心的相伴相随
r 生命的意义本就不在起点或终点
r 生活的意义更不是墨守成规的两点一线
r 走进户外 走进Mejee
r 你会发现——梦想其实并不遥远 r
r Welcome to MEJEE r
rr This is a journey of freedom r
rr It is not about the beginning or the end,
r But flying and dancing with your dream. r
r Through mountains, waters and winding paths,
r Come enjoy a journey where hearts are never set apart. r
r The meaning of life lies not in the beginning and the end,
r Nor the routine between them. r
r MEJEE presents you with extraordinary outdoor experience,
r And you will find your dream right around the corner. r
r Come to MEJEE and make yourrdream come true! r
rr 本公司供应椅,午休椅,折叠椅,沙滩椅,躺椅,品牌MEJEE|美迹户外,型号MJ-M50357。参数为:材质属性*其它,主要材料钢管+牛津布+网纱,规格59(W)×120(D)×38(SH)/88.5(BH)cm,颜色不限 ,可否定做可以,产地中国 。质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。r